Parenting and Teen Relationship Building
Option One:
Parenting and Teen Relationship Intensive
This is a 12 week Session where Jodi will take you and your teen through a healing and intensive session to completely transform your relationship.
This is perfect for the Mom and/or Dad who knows that something has to change. Your household has been rocked by the sometimes tumultuous relationship between you and your pre-teen/teen.
You can’t connect, your conversations always end up with you lecturing and your son sitting in cold silence, or worse yet, you yelling and your daughter crying…stomping to her room with a door slam and you sitting there in astonishment wondering what you said wrong.
Why can’t they just listen to your advice? You’ve been through this before.
You don’t want them to make the same horrible mistakes and decisions you made as a kid.
You are just trying to keep them safe.
You just want them to be happy.
To follow your rules.
You know you might be part of the issue, you just don’t know what it is that you should change.
Punishment isn’t working.
The more you try to control her, the more out of control she gets.
You are sick of feeling like the enemy.
You are starting to realize that maybe this change might need to start with you.
Does any of this sound familiar?
Well, I’m speaking from experience.
I transformed my relationship with both of my kids. From one of losing on the daily, to one of peace and complete understanding of who each of my children are and what they need from me as their mother.
And I help families do the same.
It’s time to transform your relationship with your teen from one of separation and anxiety filled to one of understanding and peace.
Is this even possible?
100% Yes. Let me help you transform your own relationship with your adolescent.
From one of silence and anger to one that you can feel good about when you lay your head down on your pillow at night.
Let me help you reconnect in a way you are hesitant to believe is possible.
Week 1: Breakthroughs
90 minute breakthrough session call with Mom and/or Dad and Jodi to identify problem areas and a plan of action for our next weeks together.
Weeks 2-3: Parents
60 minute weekly coaching for parents along with learning modules to help you step up your listening and parenting game. These weeks will help you to learn the foundations to open communication between you and your child.
Weeks 4-5: Child
60 minute weekly coaching session with your child and Jodi. Here is where I will talk with your child to see where any communication barriers may be happening. These two weeks I will be talking through tools and creating connection to help him/her/them with the reasoning and skills they will need for the next phase of coaching. On these weeks, there will also be a 15 minute call with a parent as a recap.
Weeks 6-12: Re-Connection
You now have the basics down of what you will need to know moving forward in your re-connection phase. Throughout the last half of our sessions together, you will continue to receive occasional video modules from Jodi, tailored to your specific situation, along with continued, weekly, 60 minute sessions that will deviate depending on your own unique situation. Sometimes they will be 1:1 sometimes they will be with Mom/Dad/Child and Jodi.
$2497 (payment options available)
Option 2:
Mother and Daughter Weekend Workshops
Coming Soon
Option 3:
Mother and Daughter Retreats
Coming Soon